Source code for openqtsim.simulation

import simpy
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import datetime
import time
from scipy import stats
from collections import namedtuple
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class Simulation: """ A discrete event simulation that simulates the queue. - queue is a queue based on the queue class - seed is a random seed to have retraceable simulations """ def __init__(self, queue, max_arr=100, priority=False, seed=None): """ Initialization (the basic time unit is hours) """ self.queue = queue self.max_arr = max_arr # set simulation time and epoch self.sim_start = self.env = simpy.Environment(initial_time=time.mktime(self.sim_start.timetuple())) self.env.epoch = time.mktime(self.sim_start.timetuple()) # initialise counters and logs self.c_s = 0 # people in the system self.c_q = 0 # people in the queue self.system_state = { "t": [0], "c_s": [0], "c_q": [0]} self.customer_nr = 0 self.log = { "c_id": [], # c_id = customer id "IAT": [], # IAT = inter arrival time "ST": [], # ST = service time "AT": [], # AT = now + IAT "TSB": [], # TSB = time service begins "TSE": [], # TSE = time service ends "TCSS": [], # TCSS = time customer spends in the system "TCWQ": [], # TCWQ = time customer waits in the queue "ITS": [], # ITS = idle time of the server "s_id": []} # s_id = server id # activate random seed np.random.seed(seed) # define arrival and service processes if not priority: # --- arrival distribution --- if self.queue.A.symbol == "M": # define the average inter arrival time and add distribution with appropriate scaling aver_IAT = 1 / self.queue.A.arr_rate self.queue.A.arrival_distribution = stats.expon(scale=aver_IAT) elif self.queue.A.symbol[0] == "E": # define the average inter arrival time and add distribution with appropriate scaling aver_IAT = 1 / self.queue.A.arr_rate k = int(self.queue.A.symbol[1:]) loc = 0 self.queue.A.arrival_distribution = stats.erlang(k, loc=loc, scale=aver_IAT / k) elif self.queue.A.symbol == "D": # the deterministic type expects arr_rate to contain a dataframe with columns ["name","IAT","AT"] self.queue.A.arrival_distribution = self.queue.A.arr_rate # --- service distribution --- self.env.servers = simpy.FilterStore(self.env, capacity=self.queue.c) self.env.servers.items = [] # to be filled in the next steps depending on S.symbol self.env.server_info = {} # to be filled in the next steps depending on S.symbol Server = namedtuple('Server', 'service_distribution, last_active, id') if self.queue.S.symbol == "M": # define the average service time and add distribution with appropriate scaling for each server aver_ST = 1 / self.queue.S.srv_rate for i in range(1, self.queue.c + 1): self.env.servers.items.append(Server(stats.expon(scale=aver_ST),, i)) self.env.server_info.update({i: {'last_active':}}) elif self.queue.S.symbol[0] == "E": # define the average service time and add distribution with appropriate scaling for each server aver_ST = 1 / self.queue.S.srv_rate for i in range(1, self.queue.c + 1): k = int(self.queue.S.symbol[1:]) loc = 0 self.env.servers.items.append(Server(stats.erlang(k, loc=loc, scale=aver_ST/k),, i)) self.env.server_info.update({i: {'last_active':}}) elif self.queue.S.symbol == "D": if self.queue.c == 1: # for 1 server the deterministic type expects srv_rate to contain a dataframe # with columns: ["name","ST"] self.env.servers.items.append(Server(self.queue.S.srv_rate,, 1)) self.env.server_info.update({1: {'last_active':}}) else: # for n servers the deterministic type expects srv_rate to contain a dataframe # with columns: ["name","ST","s_id"] for i in range(1, self.queue.c + 1): self.env.servers.items.append(Server(self.queue.S.srv_rate[self.queue.S.srv_rate["s_id"] == i],, i)) self.env.server_info.update({i: {'last_active':}}) else: pass # Todo: add the option of having priority arrivals? # initiate queue populating process self.env.process(self.queue.populate(self.env, self))
[docs] def run(self, max_arr=1000): """ Run simulation """ self.max_arr = max_arr
[docs] def log_customer_state(self, customer_id, IAT, AT, ST, TSB, TSE, ITS, s_id): """ # the following items are logged per customer that enters the system: # c = customer id # IAT = inter arrival time # ST = service time # AT = arrival time # TSB = time service begins # TSE = time service ends # TCSS = time customer spends in the system # TCWQ = time customer waits in the queue # ITS = idle time of the server # s_id = id of server assigned to customer """ self.log["c_id"].append(customer_id) self.log["IAT"].append(IAT) self.log["ST"].append(ST) self.log["AT"].append(AT) self.log["TSB"].append(TSB) self.log["TSE"].append(TSE) self.log["TCWQ"].append(TSB - AT) self.log["TCSS"].append(TSE - AT) self.log["ITS"].append(ITS) self.log["s_id"].append(s_id)
[docs] def log_system_state(self, t, c_s, c_q): """ # the following items are logged for the state of the system: # t = time (from start of simulation) # c_s = number of customers in the system # c_q = number of customers in the queue """ self.system_state["t"].append(t) self.system_state["c_s"].append(c_s) self.system_state["c_q"].append(c_q)
[docs] def return_log(self): """ Return the log in the form of a pandas data frame. """ # convert self.log to dataframe df_cust = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.log) df_cust = df_cust.sort_values(by=['AT'], ascending=[True]) # convert self.system_state to dataframe df_sys = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.system_state) df_sys = df_sys.sort_values(by=['t'], ascending=[True]) return df_cust, df_sys
[docs] def get_stats(self): """ Post processing of logs to print basic simulation statistics """ df_cust, df_sys = self.return_log() value = np.mean(df_cust["TCWQ"]) / np.mean(df_cust["ST"]) print('Waiting time in units of service time: {:.4f}'.format(value)) print('') value = (df_cust["TSE"].iloc[-1] - np.sum(df_cust["ITS"])) / df_cust["TSE"].iloc[-1] print('Rho_system: system utilisation: {:.4f}'.format(value)) value = (np.sum(df_cust["TCWQ"])/self.queue.c) / df_cust["TSE"].iloc[-1] print('Rho_server: server utilisation: {:.4f}'.format(value)) value = np.sum(df_cust["ITS"]) / df_cust["TSE"].iloc[-1] print('P_0: probability nobody in the system: {:.4f}'.format(value)) print('') value = np.mean(df_sys['c_s']) print('L_s: average nr of customers in the system: {}'.format(value)) value = np.mean(df_sys['c_q']) print('L_q: average nr of customers in the queue: {}'.format(value)) value = np.mean(df_cust["TCSS"]) print('W_s: the long term average time spent in the system: {:.4f}'.format(value)) value = np.mean(df_cust["TCWQ"]) print('W_q: the long term average time spent in the queue: {:.4f}'.format(value)) print('') value = df_cust["AT"].iloc[-1]/(len(df_cust["ST"])-1) print('IAT: average inter arrival time: {:.4f}'.format(value)) value = np.sum(df_cust["ST"])/(len(df_cust["ST"])) print('ST: average service time: {:.4f}'.format(value)) print('')
[docs] def plot_system_state(self, fontsize=20): """ Plot number of customers in the system and in the queue as a function of time """ df_cust, df_sys = self.return_log() sns.set(style="white", palette="muted", color_codes=True) # Set up the matplotlib figure fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 7), sharex=True) sns.despine(left=True) # Plot a simple histogram with binsize determined automatically a = sns.lineplot(x=df_sys['t'], y=df_sys['c_s'], color="b", label="Nr. cust. in system") b = sns.lineplot(x=df_sys['t'], y=df_sys['c_q'], color="r", label="Nr. cust. in queue") # set labels a.set_xlabel("Time (hours)", fontsize=fontsize) a.set_ylabel("Nr. of customers", fontsize=fontsize) a.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) # fig.suptitle(self.queue.kendall_notation, fontsize=fontsize) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_IAT_ST(self, fontsize=20): """ Plot histograms of IAT's and ST's """ df_cust, df_sys = self.return_log() sns.set(style="white", palette="muted", color_codes=True) # Set up the matplotlib figure fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(14, 7), sharex=True) sns.despine(left=True) # Plot a simple histogram with binsize determined automatically a = sns.histplot(df_cust['IAT'], kde=False, color="b", ax=axes[0]) IAT_av = np.mean(df_cust["IAT"]) # axes[0].plot([IAT_av, IAT_av], [0, axes[0].axis()[-1]], linewidth=3, color='k') axes[0].plot([IAT_av, IAT_av], [0, 1000], linewidth=3, color='k') b = sns.histplot(df_cust['ST'], kde=False, color="b", ax=axes[1]) ST_av = np.mean(df_cust["ST"]) # axes[1].plot([ST_av, ST_av], [0, axes[1].axis()[-1]], linewidth=3, color='k') axes[1].plot([ST_av, ST_av], [0, 1000], linewidth=3, color='k') # plt.setp(axes, yticks=[]) plt.tight_layout() # set labels a.set_xlabel("Inter arrival times", fontsize=fontsize) a.set_ylabel("Nr. of customers", fontsize=fontsize) a.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) b.set_xlabel("Service times", fontsize=fontsize) b.set_ylabel("Nr. of customers", fontsize=fontsize) b.tick_params(labelsize=fontsize) # fig.suptitle(self.queue.kendall_notation, fontsize=fontsize) return fig, axes